4:18 PM

Teen Anti- Prom Pictures!

Teen Anti-Prom 2010!!!!!!
Their were over 200 delectable brains in attendance at the zombie themed 
Teen Anti-Prom. Luckily, everyone made it out with their brains intact, 
despite some close calls.Everyone had an awesome time dancing to their 
favorite music and electing their Prom Anti-Queen (Luc) 
and their Prom Anti-King (Rachelle). 
If you missed this one be sure to look for it next year. :) 

3:53 PM

Family Night Out

3:53 PM

Anime Club

5:02 PM

CSI Demo

The Land O' Lakes Library's CSI program was a great success. We had 47 people in attendance watching the presentation by the FBI Special Investigation Unit. They also got hands on experience when they were shown how to take fingerprints and make casts of footprints. Very cool stuff!

1:41 PM

Popcorn and a Movie

1:41 PM


4:32 PM

Mother's Day Tea Party

We had lots of fun at our annual Mother's Day Tea Party! If you missed it this year be sure and look for it next Mother's Day.

11:13 AM

CSI Demo

11:12 AM

Tween Alter-a-Book