10:17 AM

Family Night Out- "Popular Penguins"

2:12 PM

Holiday Staff Picks

Looking for a good book to read this holiday season? Then you have come to the right place. This month the staff of the LOL Library have picked some of our favorite holiday themed reads for you to enjoy.
Michelle's Pick- Hogfather by Terry Pratchett

Erin's Pick- The Birds' Christmas Carol by Kate Douglas Wiggin

Iveta's Pick- Humor for the Holidays by Shari MacDonald
Jessica's Pick- Sugar Cookie Murder by Joanne Fluke
Paul's Pick- Brian's Winter by Gary Paulsen

12:52 PM

Breakfast with Santa!!

12:52 PM

Kids Holiday Crafts!

4:17 PM

Tween Crafts

4:16 PM

Battle of the Bands Kickoff Concert!!